se! udstillings- og projektrum
Udstillingsview. / Exhibition view. Title of the balloon: "What do you wish for Christmas?"
Udstillingsview / Exhibition view
Udstillingsview / Exhibition view
Udstillingsview / Exhibition view
Udstillingsview / Exhibition view
Udstillingsview / Exhibition view
Mormors tallerkener / Grandma´s plates
Charcoal on canvas wrapped on cardboard.
1: 15x11,5 cm.
2: 15x11,5 cm.
Uden titel / No title
Malet med afsæt i Ediths kælder / Starting point: Edith´s basement.
8x6 cm. Oil, charcoal and crayon on canvas wrapped on cardboard.
1: Neglelak / Nail polish // Peters hue / Peter´s hat
1: 21x14 cm. Photo printed on dibond.
2: 21x14 cm. Photo printed on dibond.
1: Hos jer / At your place // Svendsk Logik / (can not fully be translated) The logic of Svend
1: 14x14 cm. Photo printed on dibond.
2: 14x14 cm. Photo printed on dibond.
Very important mouse
Readymade, keramisk mus / Readymade, caramic mouse
Uden titel / No title
11,3 x 9,8 cm. Oil, spray and charcoal on canvas wrapped on canvas.
Den må å ha' lov å vær' her / It is fully allowed to be here as well
Readymade, porcelæn med skår fra vindueskarmen i ‘den pæne stue’ i mormors hus / Readymade, porcelain with shards placed in the window sill in the nice living room of Grandma.
Uden titel / No title
Malet med afsæt i mormors vitrineskab / Startingpoint: Grandma´s china cabinet.
11,3 x 9,8 cm. Oil and crayon on canvas wrapped on cardboard.
Uden titel / No title // Uden titel / No title
1: 8x6 cm. Crayon on canvas wrapped on cardboard.
2: 8x6 cm. Oil and crayon wrapped on cardboard.
Uden titel / No title
6x8 cm. Oil, charcoal and crayon on canvas wrapped on cardboard.
Fra dengang / From back then
Legetøjsbil med Minnie Mouse / Toy car with Minie Mouse.