The installation exhibited at KH7smallspace august 2020. The red lamp is on, the installation is occupied / not ready to enter.
The green light is on and you can now enter the installation. Only one visitor is allowed at a time due to the existential messages of the artwork.
The installation seen from the side.
The door of the installation (one of the installations four sides consists of the door.
Being inside the dark box.
Still there is darkness inside the installation. Will it continue like that?
Suddenly the sun of the room starts to light up the room slowly.
Slowly slowly… more and more light.
I see pieces of mirrors that mirror each other.
Mirrors that mirror me… piecemeal.
The light of the sun gets sharper. I see more… and at the same time less somehow.
What kind of place is this? And who am I? I see this place peacemeal and in layers. And I see me… but not fully.
The light gets sharper…
Sharper and sharper…
What an amazing sun that lights up the world like this.
Impressive and amazing.
What a view - all these reflections.
Also the ground is filled with mirrors and reflections.
It gets darker again. The sun begins to set. It gets fast. Wow, what happens? Life just began. Is it already over?
Less reflections.
Time to say goodbye? What did i reach? What reached me? In life?
Like reflections in a mirror…
Silence. Less light. What now?
On this photo you see a view of what the visitor slowly experience inside the box, when it lights up. The visitor do not see what is shown on this photo. It is shown here only to clarify the installation a bit more. A visit in the installation takes a minute from the beginning (darkness) to the end (darkness again after the sun has risen and set).